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Free Gifts

Your Mindfulness Audio Gifts

A talk and meditation on healing
by Jack Kornfield

A talk and meditation on loving kindness
by Jack Kornfield

A talk on the science of mindfulness.
How mindfulness changes your brain.

Brought to you by SoundsTrue.com
by Dr Rick Hanson

A talk on the science of mindfulness.
How mindfulness changes your brain.

Brought to you by SoundsTrue.com
by Dr Dan Seigel

A talk on the science of mindfulness.
How mindfulness changes your brain.

Brought to you by SoundsTrue.com
by Jon Kabbat Zinn

A talk on the science of mindfulness.
How mindfulness changes your brain.

Brought to you by SoundsTrue.com
by Kelly McGonigal

A talk on the science of mindfulness.
How mindfulness changes your brain.

Brought to you by SoundsTrue.com
by Tara Brach

A mindfulness meditation practice
from Melli O'Brien

A mindfulness meditation practice
from Melli O'Brien

Your Ebook Gifts

Tiny Buddha presents your free gift
'Tiny Wisdom on Mindfulness'

Download PDF (2 MB)

Your Free Mindfulness E-Course Options

Take the 'Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction' course for free online

This eight-week online Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction courseoffered by Palouse Mindfulness is modeled on the MBSR program founded by Jon Kabat-Zinn. It is 100% free and contains all the materials used in the in-person course taught by Dave Potter, who is fully certified to teach MBSR by the University of Massachusetts Medical School. In addition to videos and articles by Jon Kabat-Zinn, Pema Chodron, Tara Brach, Sylvia Boorstein, Sharon Salzberg, and Jack Kornfield, are audio and video for all the Guided Practices used in the course (body scan, sitting meditations, yoga, etc.)

Online Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction
View Course