Thanks for joining the mindfulness summit community! There are over 130,000 of us taking this 31 days of mindfulness together and we’re so looking forward to sharing this journey with you. (If you haven’t joined yet click here to get all the details)
During the summit you’ll hear from the worlds leading experts and mindfulness teachers, but the best way to truly understand mindfulness is by doing it. We invite you to take the 31 days of mindfulness challenge with us this October so that you get the very best out of your summit experience.
Choose how long you’ll practice each day and stick to that. We recommend 10-20 minutes per day for beginners and 45 for long term meditators.
If you already understand the basics of how to practice mindfulness, you may choose to simply set a timer for your chosen length of time each day. If you would prefer to be led by a meditation audio you can download one of these meditations (we recommend one of the 20 minute practices but there is an option for a 6 minute practice too.)
Mindfulness of breath and body
Download Audio (20 MB)
A few minutes of mindfulness
Download Audio (6.5 MB)
Melli and our mindfulness experts will often be there chatting with you. You can also find community and support all the way through the summit on the MrsMindfulness FaceBook page here