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Jon Kabat-Zinn – The Deeper Dimensions of Mindfulness

Jon Kabat-Zinn – The Deeper Dimensions of Mindfulness

Jon Kabat-Zinn is a Professor of Medicine Emeritus, mindfulness teacher, bestselling author and founder of the groundbreaking Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) program. He is the founding Executive Director of the Center for Mindfulness at the University of Massachusetts Medical School.

Jon has received numerous awards for his work on MBSR such as the Interface Foundation Career Achievement Award and the New York Open Center’s 10th Year Anniversary Achievement in Medicine and Health Award in 1994; the Art, Science and Soul of Healing Award from the Institute of Health and Healing, California Pacific Medical Center in 1998; the 2nd Trailblazer Award for pioneering work in the field of integrative medicine by the Scripps Center for Integrative Medicine in 2001; the Distinguished Friend Award from the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies in 2005; and, an Inaugural Pioneer in Integrative Medicine Award from the Bravewell Philanthropic Collaborative for Integrative Medicine in 2007. Jon has been a pioneer in making mindfulness mainstream.

In this interview Jon touches in on the deeper dimensions of mindfulness practice and the ‘self realisation’ that unfolds as a result of the practice. He clears up some common misconceptions about mindfulness and invites us to know for ourselves the sacredness that is inherent in this present moment (If we’ll only wake up to it).

He also answers the question “Is there a right way to practice” or a “right tradition” and gives wise advice on dealing with one of the biggest challenges in awakening.

Listen to Jon Kabat-Zinn here

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Here is a link to all of Jon’s books

You can find out more about the Center For Mindfulness here

A link to Eckhart Tolle’s Book ‘The Power of Now’

Check out Melli’s blog, events and retreats at MrsMindfulness.com




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489 Responses

  1. Domenica Galante

    Thank you so much Melli & Matt and all the wonderful speakers you organised to share their wisdom and knowledge on mindfulness. I have thoroughly enjoyed the past month & will miss logging onto to the summit every night…I’m trying to live my life more in the present moment as opposed to ruminating about the past or worrying about what’s to come. Heartfelt thanks to you in particular Melli and your serene nature.. ????

    1. marygwin8466616

      Thank you so very much for this fabulous Summit…..I hope you will do something like this again…So helpful, enlightening and amazing information……Thank you, thank you, thank you.

    2. kathryn weiler

      Thank you Melli and your team for creating this summit. It has been incredible. So accessible and such a wide range of speakers. With gratitude from squamish BC Canada.

  2. Anthony Pantaleno

    i am so grateful for being able to participate in the Woodstock of our time … Thanks to Melli and the team at Mrs. Mindfulness, to all our gentle and inspirational guests, and to my fellow travelers. May we bring the rest of the world on to the path of mindfulness … one heart at at a time…

    1. Kas Williams

      Thank you so much Melli and your team for the wonderful opportunity to experience great wisdom and teaching. You have created something truly beautiful and started something very special that will ripple out into the world.

  3. Zoe Strickland

    feeling full of love , optimism and interconnectedness after listening to Jon this day. Thankyou Melli for bringing us this wonderful 31 day summit and inspiring us all to keep on growing – Zoe , Cairns, Queensland 🙂

  4. Maria Ligia+Conti

    Thank you so much, Melli and all the people who were involved in making the Summit real. I can never be grateful enough. I came across Mindfulness on October 1st, and I tell you: I have read books, surfed on the net for meditation practices, seen videos, and have not missed one single day on the Summit. I am into it with my whole mind and soul and heart. Do receive my respect and gratitude.

  5. Kirstin Gregson

    Thank you so much for such a wonderful hour – so much wisdom, inspiration and reminders about who we really are as well as hope for the future of our planet. Thank you to Jon Kabat Zinn, all the other speakers on the summit and to Melli and team for making it all happen xxx

  6. Shari-Lynn Hiltz

    Many thank yous to all involved in the production of this Summit. It was an extraordinary idea and has been a wonderful experience for thousands of people around the world. I am grateful to have been able to participate and am eager to continue on this path of living. Bow.

  7. Gissa Israel

    The timing of this summit couldn’t have been better for both my husband and myself. This month of inner connections and heartfelt meditations and presenters has opened my broken heart and the years of repressed tears are flowing as my broken heart finally opened to love. And now for the first time in a long time I feel love. Thank you seems inadequate but definite… thank you Melli, thank you for following your dream.
    From the countryside in Canada.

  8. Antje Wagner

    Thank you so much for all the inspiring interviews, presentations and meditations – the mindfulness summit has been a great gift to me. There is a vision of peace in the world.

  9. Kirsten Vinge

    Grateful that I finally found a day to sit and listen Oct. 27 . I have been moved to a full access pass. The material is deep and rich . Thank you Melli and all the speakers. Breathing in, I sit in Kelowna, BC Canada, breathing out, I am alive!!

  10. Mari Corona

    This has been the best investment of my time in a very long time. This has been so nurturing and loving and inspiring for me. I have loved every moment and every ones share. Thank you for bringing all of this and all of us together xo much blessings

  11. Joan Brooke

    Thank you, Jon. It was when I looked at you towards the end, and you put your hand on your heart for all of us and yourself, that I felt the grief and gratitude and connection all at once. Thank you for being present for and with all of us. Shanti.

  12. Cecilia Marquis

    Dearest Melli, Thank you so much for this wonderful summit. You and your staff have given the world 31 days of mindfulness. Having Jon Kabat-Zinn as your last interview and then to have him lead us in a meditation/talk was spectacular. While I will continue my practice, I will miss the daily dose of knowledge you and your guests provided. Deep gratitude and peace to you. Namaste!

  13. Lynne

    Well done Melli and Matt.

    It is sometimes said that thoughts are living things and this Summit is a truly wonderful and positive example. Through your vision and passion you have created something beautiful, profound, incredibly healing and that will continue to grow because it is from the heart, not the ego and because it works. May you always be blessed for your courage, commitment and sheer hard graft in throwing a pebble in the water and allowing this journey and many other healing soul journeys to begin as a result.

    You can have no idea of how far reaching the impact and effect of your vision will be. I would like to share a little story with you as one example of the the ripple effect flowing from your thought and the fact that the smallest thing can start having the biggest effect. I work in a very stressful and challenging environment where Mindfulness meditation practice has helped my well-being and my resilience at work. My wonderful and fantastic co-worker has been finding it stressful but the thought of meditating and adding yet another thing to do in an already frantic day at work, sorting out kids, husband/ home life/ Life itself! is just too much. So full on meditation is not for her at the moment and that is fine. I suggested the leaves floating on a stream carrying away unwanted thoughts (Russ Harris) to her as something to revisit during the day knowing that the repeated practice will strengthen that neural pathway and also the finger breathing (Katherine Weare) as an exercise she can do with her children partly to give her some space and also as a means of self-soothing for her kids when feeling anxious or sad, having suffered a bereavement recently, for example. She came to tell me she had done it with her 5 year old, how nice it was, how nice it was to have focused time together, how they both found it calming. It didn’t stop there because stressed out Daddy had to be shown this too. Small steps: profound changes that can’t be resisted. Neuro-science says so!!

    From my heart to yours; be blessed.

  14. Victoria Kamhi

    As I finished listening to Jon’s meditation (thank you so much for providing this tape so that we can all enjoy Jon’s presence and wisdom), I am filled with gratitude for being given the wonderful opportunity to be part of this amazing Summit. I have a feeling of connectedness that I’ve been searching for my entire life and intend to develop stronger connections with people who meditate in my community. I live in PEORIA ILLINOIS and if someone is reading this and would like to share meditation practice with me or is aware of a group that practices in the evenings, please email me at vicki_kamhi@comcast.net. My immense gratitude and thanks go out to Melli and her entire team – I hope that we will be able to continue on our journey together. May all of you live with ease. Vicki

  15. Gelza barbosa

    I thank Melli, all teachers and software support group for this wonderful Summit. It is more than teaching, it is a real human integration in all senses.
    Congratulations for completing this mission.
    Let’s do it again and again!
    Although we are learning to live the present moment, I think we all look forward for the next Summit…
    Best regards from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

  16. james

    Hi From Cork Ireland,
    Thank you so much for a wonderful 31 days of experience 🙂 I have been studying and using mindfulness for the past 3-4 years now and I also host inrtoduction classes to mindfulness and it was great to see how everyone one of the speakers that took part agreeing on many different points but the main one for me is the one that “Theres is no search for perfection with mindfulness only the search for the expierence, even noticing the noticing is mindfulness and there are no total experts”
    So a big grateful thanks for all the work and all the time given free to us as we all hopefully continue on our journey of using mindfulness each and every day for ourselves. Thank you so so much it was amazing and I look forward to what ever else may cross our paths as we continue 🙂

  17. Olga Papatriantafillou

    Thank you for such a wonderful month!!! So much wisdom, calmess, new possibilities and inspiration.
    Many thanks to you Melli and Matt for the summit. So grateful to you both.
    Be happy!

  18. Denisa Muntean

    i am grateful for your work and for share it with all of us. i write to you from Romania. these days our hearts are bleeding because of the recent loss of so many young lives but i hope we find meaning in this tragedy about values such as responsibility, compassion and love for people instead of money.
    thank you.

  19. Afsaneh Weber

    Thank you so much for this wonderful summit, so many amazing teachers, so much wisdom, it was an incredible month.
    Thank you Melli for making this incredible experience possible for so many people all around the world.
    Looking forward to the next summit,

    Afsaneh from Portugal

  20. Dee Brown

    Melli I loved the summit and thanks for all your hard work. I feel your question to each guest speaker was so right on! How do we view the world when Mindfulness is at its tipping point. For intention’s sake we need a vision of the world to work towards and dream of! Very important For manifesting our reality????????

  21. Fiamma Sinelli

    Thank you so much Melli, the team and the speakers. I have been following this event from Italy every day. I have learned a lot, this Summit was just extremely well thought, organized and so powerful. I trust that this is only the beginning of a long story! I hope to see you again for another amazing initiative of yours. Best wishes thank you, thank you from Rome.

  22. Ewelina Gabriela+Janczewska

    Thank you Melly, Matt and all the speakers….thank you so very much for this fabulous Summit, So much Love:-))) So helpful, enlightening and amazing information. All i can send to you is my best regards and big heart//
    Looking forward to the next summit, hope to see you all soon.
    My best wishes and 100000 thank you,
    Ewelina Gabriela from Stockholm/Sweden

  23. Morag warrack

    What a wonderful, inspiring achievement! Many congratulations and thanks to everyone involved in this summit. It has been absolutely ground breaking and magnificent in every way. Thank you soooooo much, as the beautiful Mellie would say!

  24. lesia bennett

    Matt and Melli you both are beautiful flowers and my deepest gratitude for sharing your thousands and thousands of petals for us to sit and enjoy mindfulness. Love and happiness always until our last breath.
    Florida, USA

  25. Marcelo Silva

    This summit has helped me in unimaginable ways… Thank you so much (especially you Mellie) to all of those that made it a reality. You have no idea the depth of goodness and strength of the message(s) you conveyed. What a blessing this has been… Now, the continuation of your work through daily practice (formal and informal) is next for me.

  26. Joyce Trites

    The technical part that makes all this happen must have been quite a challenge. It ran very smoothly from my end. I appreciate having the livestream recording as well as all the others. Thank Matt! You two make a great team.

  27. Maria Cristina+Silveira

    Thank you very, very much for this Summit. Mindfulness is something very impressive and it really helped to change my life, because it helped me to look inside and find my real self. And I am able to see what is going on in my mind, especially the bad thoughts that were before the triger to my bad emotions, that I kept ruminating for days or even years. It was such a suffering, and I had some serious depression crisis. Mindfulness is not magic, it take time and I had a wonderful teacher, my psychologist that is finishing her Phd in Mindfulness. I found self compassion, what I think was a wonderful gift. I am very thankful for life now.
    Greetings from Brazil.

  28. linda crew

    Thank you Melli for bringing this month of teaching and enlightenment to all of us. It has made an enormous impact in my life, I at last can begin to forgive myself and have self compassion.
    I will miss so much the daily support, may this be the first of many summits to come.

    Lin from Kent UK

  29. Helen Morse

    thank you Meli and your fanastic team….will really miss tuning in every morning. If someone had said to me that I would be watching and enjoying the mindfull summit for a whole month, I would have laughed. You have made me feel that I am not alone!!! I really, really loved the questions and answers because they were thoughts they I had. I have been looking for guidance and a teacher, and you answered my prayers.

  30. Nina

    It has been so valuable catching as many sessions as I could over this month. Thank you and all the presenters for conveying such practical information and for offering your time to help us all become more engaged in our world, inner and outer.

  31. mary barchiesi

    Dear Melli and Matt
    I was fortunate to be able to tune in everyday for the 31 day Mindfulness Summit ……. what a powerful gift you have given the masses! The in-depth upfront work, marvelous mindful hosting, controlled programming, amazing presenter dedication and excellent technical delivery/support (not an easy accomplishment) was outstanding. The number of lives you have touched is true compassion and appreciated by all!

    I am excited about my deep learning and connection to knowledgeable mindful leaders as this will help me improve my practice for deepened meta-awareness.

    Deep bow to all who gave


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