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Professor Mark Williams – An Introduction to Mindfulness

Professor Mark Williams – An Introduction To Mindfulness

Professor Mark Williams is Emeritus Professor of Clinical Psychology at Oxford and was also the Director of the Oxford Mindfulness Centre until his retirement in 2013.

Professor Williams, along with colleagues John Teasdale (Cambridge) and Zindel Segal (Toronto), developed Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy for prevention of relapse and recurrence in major depression. He is also co-author of the best selling book ‘Mindfulness: Finding Peace In A Frantic World.’

In this interview Mark elegantly answers the question ‘what is mindfulness?’ He also leads 2 simple introductory practices for beginners and talks about why mindfulness is so effective for the treatment of depression relapse.

In this interview you’ll also discover…

  • The difference between mindlessness and mindfulness.
  • Why mindlessness often gets us into so much trouble.
  • The cutting edge research on mindfulness for depression (Mark is one of the world premiere researchers in this field).
  • The ‘breathing space’ mindfulness practice, which is great to use in times of stress and difficult emotions
  • How to use ‘habit releasers’ to bring more mindfulness into daily life.
  • An experience of the ‘body scan’ mindfulness practice.

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More about MBCT (Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy)

Check out Marks books ‘Mindfulness: Finding peace in a frantic world’

More about the Oxford Mindfulness Centre





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1166 Responses

  1. Heather Hamer

    Have been reading Mark Williams’ book for some time now and listening to his meditations. Good to see him on video. Looking forward to this summit. Blessings from UK

  2. Marc Goudreau

    I very much enjoyed Mark Williams podcast on this first day of the Mindfulness Summit. As an educational technologist, I’m really excited to see some of the results of the research into Mindfulness propagate into our schools as a support for deeper levels of student learning and comprehension. I look forward to exploring this fascinating topic over the next few weeks.

  3. Theresa

    Good morning, everyone! What a wonderful way to start the day! I am so excited about this series. My question is: I am taking yoga classes twice a week. How would you say that mindfulness is any different from my yoga practice?

    1. mark williams

      Hi Theresa,
      Great question. it sounds like you are already doing what you need to do. Yoga is a wonderfully mindful practice, especially if the teacher is mindful too. For some, yoga is used as a way of distracting the mind, and this can indeed be helpful sometimes; other people find that meditation that involves sitting still can be a lovely extension of yoga as there is time and space to allow thoughts and feelings to come and go like clouds in the sky.
      With warm wishes,

  4. Susan

    A hello from Perth Western Australia.
    I’m having a little bit of trouble watching the. Interview as I’m on the iPad so I think I’ll get onto the laptop see if that helps!
    I am really looking forward to the coming days.

  5. Christine Evans

    Hello everyone! I am so excited to be here for the summit. As a new practitioner of yoga I believe adding mindfulness will push me over the edge of awareness and add a deeper inner calm to share with those around me. Thank you so much!

  6. Leanne Elliott

    Ms Mindfulness – thank you for organising this interview with Prof. Mark – he is very interesting, knowledgeable and easy to learn from. The range of topics covered in this session is very useful and brings more precision to my practice.
    I was not comfortable that you responded to all of his contributions with “I love that”. I felt like the focus of the interview was lost and was habitual rambling.

    1. Thanks for your comments Leanne- probably
      Those were my nervous responses from talking to someone I respect and admire so much. Also one of my first interviews. I agree. I am glad you felt you gained from the session. Mark is so darned articulate and warm. Happy summiting

    1. mark williams

      Thanks Rick
      Roger Keyes (the author of Hokusai says) now lives in England and it has been wonderful to get to know him and his work on Hokusai.
      Warm wishes

  7. gretha_cronje0421

    Thank you for a wonderful interview. I’ve read the book of Mark Williams, Finding Peace in a Frantic World, and loved it. I use the practices on a daily basis and also recommend it to the clients that I coach.

  8. Scott Lederman

    I really enjoyed the interview and especially the importance of bringing this practice to those who are struggling both economically, socially and emotionally. I believe and have witnessed the transformation both within myself and even in children with various disabilities that impact their lives, how mindfulness gives them the tools to cope when things get overwhelming. Just taking a breath and creating that space in order to act in accordance with one’s values.

    I especially appreciated Mark’s statements about the “froth” disappearing as a way to call all of us to be committed to this practice as a way of navigating through our lives as human beings. I look forward to tomorrow.


    Hi! I’m from Chile. I really liked what Professor Mark told about the “habit releasers”, I think it’s an easy way of bringing awareness to my actions.

    Thanks to the Mindfulness Summit team!!

  10. steve ware

    What a great first interview, well done! Mark is always excellent to listen to and his book among my favourites. A really good start, I look forward to the rest of the summit!

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