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Professor Mark Williams – An Introduction to Mindfulness

Professor Mark Williams – An Introduction To Mindfulness

Professor Mark Williams is Emeritus Professor of Clinical Psychology at Oxford and was also the Director of the Oxford Mindfulness Centre until his retirement in 2013.

Professor Williams, along with colleagues John Teasdale (Cambridge) and Zindel Segal (Toronto), developed Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy for prevention of relapse and recurrence in major depression. He is also co-author of the best selling book ‘Mindfulness: Finding Peace In A Frantic World.’

In this interview Mark elegantly answers the question ‘what is mindfulness?’ He also leads 2 simple introductory practices for beginners and talks about why mindfulness is so effective for the treatment of depression relapse.

In this interview you’ll also discover…

  • The difference between mindlessness and mindfulness.
  • Why mindlessness often gets us into so much trouble.
  • The cutting edge research on mindfulness for depression (Mark is one of the world premiere researchers in this field).
  • The ‘breathing space’ mindfulness practice, which is great to use in times of stress and difficult emotions
  • How to use ‘habit releasers’ to bring more mindfulness into daily life.
  • An experience of the ‘body scan’ mindfulness practice.

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Check out Melli’s blog, events and retreats at MrsMindfulness.com

More about MBCT (Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy)

Check out Marks books ‘Mindfulness: Finding peace in a frantic world’

More about the Oxford Mindfulness Centre





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Download Mark Williams breathing space meditation

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Download Mark Williams interview transcript

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1166 Responses

  1. Shoshana Koch

    Thank you for this opportunity and resources. I’ve had a mindfulness meditation practice on and off forever and love the idea of community, a challenge, and accountability this month!

  2. Maria Appel

    Hello from Tampa, Florida!! Just finished listening to Mark Williams and am feeling energized and excited. What a great way to start off. He was insightful and very down-to-earth. I am going forth in a very positive way today.
    Much gratitude to all those who organized this wonderful and educational gathering.


  3. Ruth Ministro

    Joining you from Portugal. This was a wonderful way to start. Absolutely loved the interview and also the beautiful reading by Mark Williams, amazing video. Thank you for Day 1.

  4. Catherine Elcik

    Can any one talk me through the downloading process? I bought the series so I could download the lectures and listen while I’m on the go, but I can’t seem to get them to actually get them to play from the download cue. I have a PC.

    1. Emily Hanlon

      Hi Catherine, if you bought the books on amazon, there is a link in the book which you download Audible, that is if you have them on your kindle, I did this and now have them on my tablet and my mobile phone which I use if I am on the go, I found this great to use before I went into work, started my day off great, if I feel I have time I will also listen when I get home, great way to unwind, hope this helps, Emily from Ireland, have a good day!

  5. Alissa Rook

    Hi everyone! Alissa from Seattle here. So excited for this next month. I will be participating as much as possible between raising my twins and look forward to all the discussions and talks. I will also be participating on my instagram @alissarook and would love to connect with more similar minded people and further discuss. I plan to write my thoughts out on the talks and hopefully even more dialogue.

  6. Trudi Cherry

    Hi, listening in the UK, thanks for a really interesting first video. Hoping that this starts me on a journey where mindfulness becomes part of my daily life.

  7. Renee

    Hello, tuning in from Canada. Thank you so much for organizing this summit! ! I am very excited about this coming month. What a wonderful first talk. Much gratitude.

  8. Yvonne Sharp

    Hi in the interview a person working on mindfulness with CEOs in the US was mentioned but I can’t find the reference when I went back through the video, does anybody remember the name of the person?


  9. Eva Maria

    Hi and thanks from Sofia:) Perfect idea and realization. But for sure one’s got a lot to learn.
    What is the difference between mindful awareness and the sense of tense concentration on something?
    Like drinking tea for example?

  10. Arvo Noges

    Just adding one country more to the mindfulness family – Estonia. Greetings to neigbours i.e. everyone 🙂
    And hope, that all this mindfulness somehow reach to the places in the world, where the peace is just a dream !
    Tervitused ja rahu kõigile !

  11. Jamelah

    I am very excited to attend this online Mindfulness Summit. I just did Day One, listened to the interview. I was not up at 3am this morning. The Interview with Professor Mark Williams is brilliant. I encourage everyone to get his books. As a therapist who teaches mindfulness to my clients, I am always looking for ways and approaches to get my clients to want to practice. It has refreshed my own mindfulness practice I look forward to the comings days of mindfulness.

  12. Joanne Jones

    Hi everyone from Yorkshire in the UK. An interesting start to the summit. I was pleased to hear that it’s OK, and in fact necessary, for the mind to wander during mindfulness practice as this is something I struggle with. Am looking to the next 30 days!

  13. Carol Robinson

    Hello World, I’m following this from my home near Jacksonville, FL, USA. Listening to this lesson from Mark Williams and Melli has already changed me. I feel more whole, more complete. I feel a peace inside of being more in tune with myself. With this feeling running through me, I believe that I can make more of this day. I can choose the best activities which will help me to share my love with my home, my pets, my family, my friends and my world. It is wonderful to know there are so many of you also experiencing similar things today. Bless us all.

  14. Graham Twist

    Terrific start. Great to be starting this journey with a family of 150,000 other compassionate and curious others. I am a mindfulness teacher but with “beginners eyes” I was enthralled by the simplicity, kindness and common humanity that came through this first day. Many thanks to the organisers of the Summit and the contributors. May we all bring kind and open minds to this endeavour over the next month. Heartfelt thanks once again.

  15. Maureen Bakis

    Wonderful way to begin the summit. As an educator and yoga instructor, the highlight for me in Mark’s talk is the idea of teaching people HOW to pay attention…to themselves mostly, and the idea of stillness not necessarily being a quiet, empty mind. There is so much misinformation/misunderstanding about mindfulness being this completely shut off state. Thanks for day 1!

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