Mindful Masculinity, Conscious Capitalism and Kindness
Mindful Masculinity, Conscious Capitalism and Kindness. An Interview With Jono Fisher
Jono Fisher is the founder of WakeUpProject.com.au, a community of over 100,000 people celebrating mindful leadership and living. He hosts events with Google’s Search Inside Yourself and the annual MindfulLeadershipForum.com in Sydney, Australia.
Over 35,000 people have attended Wake Up events with bestselling authors such as Dr. Brenè Brown, Eckhart Tolle, Marianne Williamson and Dr. Rick Hanson. Jono is regularly invited to speak at the Dalai Lama’s public events.
In this interview Jono talks about how everyday activities can be powerful mindfulness practices. Join Melli and Jono as they also explore the masculine expression of mindfulness and the redefining of what it means to be a ‘real man.’
You’ll also discover the meaning and practice of ‘conscious capitalism’ and mindfulness leadership.
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Dear Melli and Jono,
Thank you for this gift.
Your discussion opened me to relating this respectively unique, yet common, experience more clearly.
Very grateful for your presence,
Thanks for making it possible to see a host who really LISTENS TO and practises attention through interviewing… and speakers who do the same with kindness, presence ans respect. That’s part, for me, of this summit. Thanks A LOT! Catherine from Italy.
Thank you both for discussing what awakening feels like. Lots of recognition but also insight. Thank you Jono for mentioning sadness. My thoughts guided me towards grief which just did not feel quite right. Thank you also for the description of being in the head or a tight mental condition. I felt relief. I know Joseph and Mark both highlighted that they have the same experiences as everyone else (they are more gentle perhaps as Mark said), it just suddenly became an aha moment; if someone like you Jono and you Melli can get into a tight mental condition despite working so closely with mindfulness then of course I do! As you said Jono fulfilment is not to be found outside. Thank you both!!
Wow! What a story of persistence to not chase after the corporate carrot. Thank you
I immensely appreciate you for creating this type of program and for sharing it free to the rest of us. I have learned very much and I know there is much more to learn but I don’t feel alone in this journey thanks to people like you and all your presenters and supporters. Even though I don’t have access to the kindness cards for being in another country, I know that acts of kindness have a ripple effect and I do them as often as I can, even if it’s a small smile or compliment. I am from Mexico and live in USA. I have travel to Australia a few times, and every time it has been absolutely wonderful. Thanks to all of you for your warm heart, your wisdom, compassion, and for what you do to make this world a better place.
I really enjoyed this discussion, thank you.
thank you , my heart is opening xxx
Hi Melli & Jono – So pleased to hear you discuss that Mindfulness & Meditation can be experienced in everyday activities and not just in a static sitting position. I teach a simple easy-to-learn Mindful Moving Meditation called Tai Chi Chih (a non-martial form comprising of only 19 moves & 1 pose). The first movement, Rocking Motion, can easily be incorporated into daily activities (such as brushing your teeth or washing the dishes). The body, mind & emotions calm as the mind focuses on the soles of the feet and we connect as we move in sync both with each other and with nature. I’d love to be part of a future Summit where you might explore alternative routes to mindful meditation such as Walking – in the words of Thich Naht Hanh ‘Walk as if kissing the earth’. Please do visit my facebook page to see a short video just posted where you can join in with one of the moves and hopefully experience the present moment awareness and grounding effect which Tai Chi Chih brings: https://www.facebook.com/Tai-Chi-Chih-Oxford-UK-355018158041650/timeline/?ref=hl. Present Moment, Wonderful Moment!
where do I purchase the act of kindness cards?
great talk..love it!
Thank you Melli and Jono for such a heartfelt and well-articulated interview. I, like so many others who have commented, can relate to the experience of being fully present when in nature or with animals. I so appreciated Jono sharing how his experience of being a nanny changed his outlook and how he grew more comfortable with who he is regardless of what he does. I’ve been blessed with the opportunity to take on the role of companion and caretaker for my 93-year-old father. This past year has definitely led me to the same realization. I also loved Jono’s reference to having a ‘strong back’ while keeping a ‘soft front’ – what a perfect way to stay rooted in our sense of self while still opening our heart to others.
Kudo’s to Melli for organizing this wonderful summit. And Jono – I hope we will be able to order & receive ‘Kindness Cards’ in the US soon!
Namaste & Greetings from Florida
I so appreciate the conversation about alternative ways to practice or experience mindfulness. While I experience benefits from formal sitting practice, sometimes what I need to is to move, which means that walking meditation or riding my bike becomes the best way for me to come back to the present moment from a place of acceptance. Likewise, as a music therapist, I like to encourage other people to experience music and music-making from a place of mindfulness.
Few learnings to share, mindfulness practices :
1. Offers us opportunities to be kind. Kindness will create a very different world !
2. Allow more creative space, improving problem solving ability. Allow us to tap into another form of intelligence, fresh and new ideas can emerge !
Thank you for Day 4 !
Hello! It has been very delightful this experience, but I think the videos could have the subtitles options. Thank you;)
A lovely interview. Jono is so natural and his quality of presence immediately puts one at ease. Thank you Meli for this wonderful opportunity.
Melli and Jono, fantastic. Thank You
That was wonderful to listen. I remembered our sanskrit saying vasudaiva kudumbam meaning we are global family. Mindful living brings this opportunity. May our dreams that there is kindness and compassion in all our actions and relationships come true. Thank you. It was excellent.
thank you for the all the summit. its lovely! I loved the talk with Jono. it is the most beutiful thing to liosten and be around a man as men should be.
Great Interview and really inspiring conversation here. Thank you Mellie and Jono, Jono you are amazing in what you do and more men need to feel the way you do. It was sad thinking that you felt less being a Nanny, and then you changed it around to a big positive. Many mums feelsundervalued and I guess you got a little taste of that… continue with you awesome work. I will be following you on your podcasts.
Grateful to you both for bring this to the table for us out here who are floundering.
What a thoughtful guy, thank you Jono.
You’ve echoed Matthieu Ricard’s talk at the Action for Happiness event, a couple of weeks ago in London, during the Dalai Lama’s visit. He spoke on mindfulness and pointed out that this in itself is not enough – after all you can have a mindful psychopath or mindful assassin! Matthieu stressed that the extra ingredient necessary is ‘caring’ – or as you put it – kindness and emotional intelligence. A sense of heartfelt-ness.
I’ve had some concerns about the promotion of mindfulness for business – after all it seems possible that some may learn this in the hope of being more present in order merely to become more efficient capitalists! So, conscious capitalism provides an ethos working with acceptance of the reality of our capitalist world by becoming more aware of ourselves, more authentic, more compassionate – ‘mindfulness with its cousins’. Helping to develop a different way of leading.
This is a progression in the field of mindfulness that approximates to its Buddhist roots, but minus the ‘burden’ (to some) of religion. In this model, mindfulness needs to promote a sense of responsibility for oneself and one’s actions.
There’s a hunger out in the world for this re-definition of our philosophical life aims. In the UK, Action for Happiness is stepping up to the challenge – their events sell out in hours. It looks like this is happening in Australia with the Wake Up Project and various other initiatives.
Well done and thank you Melli for these interesting encounters. This one with Jono has been particularly heartwarming.
With warm wishes from London.
Thanks very much for this conversation! I enjoyed listening to Jono’s warm, soothing, inspiring and uplifting voice speaking words of wisdom… I was totally in sync with the response and, particularly, the answer to Melli’s last question. Yes! the word “kindness” popped out instantly and I was overjoyed when I heard you saying it!!! Awesome. I really appreciate these moments of connection, resonance and Oneness. I was also deeply touched by the expression of acknowledgement regarding Melli’s beautiful and meaningful work. No doubt, our world is, slowly and surely, moving to a more ‘mindful’ way of living and relating to all that is in Nature. Onward! Godspeed! Namasté! Love & blessings to you both
What a wonderful interview! I was completely absorbed from the moment it started.
Jono’s discussion about feeling wealthy when he stripped away the unnecessary possessions/pressures in his life really touched me and reminded me how counterproductive it is to blindly strive for more and more money and success.
Thank you once again Melli for this summit, it is having a transformative effect on my mood and outlook. Namaste from beautiful Wales.
All the session s so well presented and effective. I am really impressed.
I can ‘t seem to find the audio meditation tracks mentioned as part of the purchased program. Thanks for your help.
Thank you Melli for organizing this Summit, you are an amazing human being. I can easily say the same thing about Jono too, when he started to speak an instant peaceful feeling hit me. As he also said, it is hard to explain the experimental feelings, so I would just go ahead and send you my love and appreciation for what both of you are doing for the human kind. There is still hope for this world with people like you! Thank you again
What a fine human being is here! It just shines through.
Great work Melli putting this all together behind the scenes. We will never know how much it really took. Thank you Jono for bringing that up.
Nice listening to you Jono. A lot of what you said resonates with other leadership teachings (The Center for Public Leadership at Harvard Kennedy School , Covey’s 7 Habits, etc) I’ve studied. Mindfulness resonates throughout these teachings, but has yet to be a formal part.
You, and Elisha on Day 8, talked about creating more space between stimulus and response to provide that freedom to chose or “proceed.” But without being present of NOW, or mindful, that space is narrow and decision making is challenged.
Hi dad!
Thank you for such a nice & inspiring summit. Mindfulness has changed my life!! I have a request for you:
Can you please filter all the audio meditations because there is a huge amount of noise in the background and it is not very convenient to meditate. I am sure a lot of people might have felt that. I would really be grateful to you if could do this simple thing!!