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Tara Brach – Ending ‘The Trance Of Unworthiness’

Tara Brach On How To End ‘The Trance Of Unworthiness’ & Move Through Fear

Tara Brach is a leading Western teacher of Buddhist meditation, emotional healing and spiritual awakening. She has practiced and taught meditation for over 35 years, with an emphasis on mindfulness meditation. Tara is the senior teacher and founder of the Insight Meditation Community of Washington and author of several books on meditation and spiritual awakening.

In this video Tara gives a heartfelt talk about the ‘trance of unworthiness’ and how mindfulness can help us wake up into a more connected and loving sense of self.

She teaches about the essence of the spiritual path and how waking up to our true nature can alleviate our suffering, help us move through fear, and bring us home to who we truly are.

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You can find Tara’s website here http://www.tarabrach.com/ where you can find out about her books and find free audios of talks and meditations by Tara.




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325 Responses

  1. Theresa

    Tara gave me such a feeling of peace and consolation at a time when I have greatly needed it. What lovely quotes and metaphors. She was so easy to understand and I felt a connection to her and the entire community for the first time during the summit. For me, this has been a personal breakthrough. Thank you all so very much. Peace.

      1. uri

        Yes! Tara does it again. I found this talk particularly powerful because there was no interruptions from the interviewer. Might I suggest a format where the teacher gives their presentation and then Q&A is left for the end?

        1. Lori

          Uri has a good point. The interview format is useful when specific questions are asked, but it seems more fluid and helpful when the speaker can address their area of expertise without the questions. Either way, I am learning a lot, and have already bought books and CDs of some of your quests. Thank you so much.

    1. Emma Bacon

      Thank you so much Melli and Tara. I feel such gratitude to you both. My whole being and my soul were reached today and I feel so deeply moved. Today’s talk was very painful at times and profoundly moving. I will buy an access pass and listen again and again to today in particular. What beautiful images and what a gift to to myself… “I am here for you sweetheart”.

      Thank you with all my heart.

    1. Ellen Cedergreen

      Agreed. It’s weird to leave the Q & A format. That’s part of the power of these, to get the teachers to answer questions they may not have otherwise included.

  2. phurbu

    Everyday I look forward to the program. Thank u Melli and all those behind the scene for bringing this program for all of us and making positive change in the lives of many.

  3. Betsy Campbell

    I loved today’s session. Thank you Tara. I found myself in tears as you talked about loving myself and the goodness within. I am a senior who has spent so many years focusing on what is wrong with me. To focus now on the goodness in me is such a relief. When I put my hand on my heart, I truly felt loved. Thank you again.

  4. Rachael S

    This summit has been my first exposure to mindfulness, and so far I’m completely blown away. The interviews and speakers have all been amazing. Today was no exception. I really needed to hear Tara’s message today. Thank you so so much Melli and everyone who have helped make this summit available to us all! <3

  5. Lovisa

    Thank you so much Tara for today’s speech. I was very inspired and today for the first time in months I felt like I truly took a step in the right direction to forgive myself and the world for being sick. I can’t even begin to express how much this mean to me.

  6. George Sparks

    That was lovely and inspiring. Tara Brach speaks to me on a deep level, the way poetry surpasses prose, Her talk today helped me get to a deeper understanding of myself.
    Oh, and I miss Melli. She has become a great part of my mornings and I hope she is back soon. Thank you Tara and Melli.

  7. Roxanne Nelson

    today was different for me than the other days. i actually assumed this was what it would be like everyday. while there was incredible knowledge i gained from the other days, today i actually felt that it was immediately internalized. what a beautiful gift. thank you!

  8. Heather Allison

    I was at first taken aback by the shift in presentation. I like the interview style with Melli and the speaker side by side. It makes me feel more connected to the conversations somehow, so I was a bit distracted by my judgments as Tara began speaking. But little by little that began eroding and I was moved to tears, to smiles and felt truly embraced by Tara and her loving kindness. I needed today’s reminder that I too belong and deserve unconditional love, and it is this understanding that truly opens my heart up to everyone and everything around me. Thank you Tara, Melli and all who support and promote this summit.

  9. Mike Phelan

    Great stuff. After watching all sessions so far, it has been fascinating to hear the various perspectives about mindfulness and EXPERIENCE some mindfulness practices,

    Can’t get away from the idea that what one “practices” matters….and since our “state of mind” impacts everything, cultivating deeper levels of “mindful awareness” seems core.

    I’ve got some work to do!

  10. Cheryl Baldwin

    Thank you so much for that wonderful teaching and reminder to recognize our own worth…and to show us how we can begin truly loving ourselves. I found myself feeling very reluctant to bring my hand to my heart during this session and fully realized for the first time “how undeserving of love” I have really felt. This session moved me to tears and I will practice bringing my hand to my heart and holding myself in love and compassion at every opportunity. Thank you so much!

  11. ilyana kadushin

    Over the last 5 years Tara Brach has become one of my most important Mindfulness teachers, through her teachings of Radical Acceptance and True Refuge. Thanks again Melli for a wonderful Mindfulness SummitQ


    This is exactly what I needed to learn today, after beating myself up all day yesterday (and of course carried over to today). I am beginning to feel loved / loveable.

  13. Nicola Akhurst

    I found the story about the person in the supermarket queue really moving. It reminded me about how I sometimes jump to conclusions and that life is more complicated. More compassion needed all round!

  14. Colleen

    Your words and related metaphors touched my heart. I am working through my own spiritual journey and your words jelled with what I am going through. Many thanks Tara.

  15. Jacqueline McTaggart

    A very profound and moving talk, definitely resonated a lot with me. Made me think of a quote by Lao Tzu
    “Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love”

    All of these need to start with ourselves.

  16. Outi Alaja

    Learning to love and appreciate myself has been the greatest, the most sacred and truly healing thing in my life. It has saved me. Thank you, Tara, for your presence in this talk – you moved me to tears, you spoke to my heart!

  17. Doris Hocevar

    Thank you Tara. I loved your presentation today. It’s such a comfort to know that being kind, compassionate and loving to self and others is becoming more mainstream. I also appreciated your comments around “The Two Wings of Seeing” – two questions that have the power to transform what happens next! I admire and often refer to your work when I work with clients. I have used the ‘hand on heart’ with self and others, it’s such a beautiful and loving gesture.
    Thank you and blessings to you, Tara. May you be free from harm. May you be happy. May you be healthy. May you be at ease.

  18. bishop_rob1620

    You are perfect, only you don’t know it.
    Learn to know yourself and you will discover wonders.
    All you need is already within you, only you must approach yourself with reverence and love.
    Self-condemnation and self-distrust are grievous errors.
    Your constant flight from pain and search for pleasure is a sign of the love you bear for yourself;
    all I plead with you is this: make love of yourself perfect.
    Deny yourself nothing – give yourself infinity and eternity and discover that
    you do not need them; you are beyond.

    Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

  19. Leslie B

    Best presentation yet! Tara’s authenticity and compassion with her innately warm way of sharing and connection was powerfully effective. I really felt a kind of experiential empathy reach through the screen. Some of the presenters talks do work with an interviewer, but this one flowed perfectly and brilliantly on it’s own, great choice! Thanks to Melli and team, I am so grateful for this beautiful summit.

  20. Jessica Usher

    Thank you Tara and Melli! This presentation and entire summit has been eye opening, heart warming, absolutley transformative experience. Words cannot express my gratitude….namaste ????????

  21. Daleen +

    Love the two wings of presence as a sacred pause when I’m recognising what is going on inside myself at this moment and being with it by offering compassion to myself: “It’s OK sweetheart, I see you, let’s have tea.”

    1. Candy

      The session today was just the reminder, and support, that I needed. Self compassion is very difficult for me. If when “stories” begin playing in my mind I can try to remember to pause, and with tender love hold my thoughts/feelings, that will be a start.

  22. Jillian Flye

    I have enjoyed each day of the summit so far and have learned something from every speaker and am feeling some things shifting. The conversations with Melli have been lovely, and really interesting and I was looking forward to more of them and hope to see her back soon. And Tara was superb. Some of comments in the discussions have been rather harsh, but overall it has all been amazing. Looking forward to the rest of the summit.

  23. Kim Douglass

    I hope the rest of the month won’t be in this layout. I truly enjoyed the talk by Tara, but I really like the back and forth between Melli and her guests. Just my humble opinion. 🙂

    That being said, Tara is an inspiration to all of us. Even if you don’t feel unworthy, unlovable or not good enough all the time…we have all been there. Love what she has to say.

    Thanks a million! I love this series. Whatever will we do when November 1st comes ’round?

  24. Beena Parekh

    My introduction to Tara Brach….what a wonderful teacher and therapist . Loved ” I see you, let’s have tea” story/ metaphor which led to the 2 wings concept. Thank you Melli, missed seeing you today!

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