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Mindful Masculinity, Conscious Capitalism and Kindness

Mindful Masculinity, Conscious Capitalism and Kindness. An Interview With Jono Fisher

Jono Fisher is the founder of WakeUpProject.com.au, a community of over 100,000 people celebrating mindful leadership and living. He hosts events with Google’s Search Inside Yourself and the annual MindfulLeadershipForum.com in Sydney, Australia.

Over 35,000 people have attended Wake Up events with bestselling authors such as Dr. Brenè Brown, Eckhart Tolle, Marianne Williamson and Dr. Rick Hanson. Jono is regularly invited to speak at the Dalai Lama’s public events.

In this interview Jono talks about how everyday activities can be powerful mindfulness practices. Join Melli and Jono as they also explore the masculine expression of mindfulness and the redefining of what it means to be a ‘real man.’

You’ll also discover the meaning and practice of ‘conscious capitalism’ and mindfulness leadership.

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332 Responses

    1. nancy adams

      The interviews are wonderfully rich with insights and perspectives. Thank you for bringing all of these “voices” together. Thoroughly enjoying every interview!

  1. michelle goans

    I’m confused, I have registered many times for free event, nothing came to inbox, and nothing happens when I go to site to access daily speakers, then it says buy download, why? Thought this was free?

    1. Hi Michelle, If you’re posting here, then you can watch all the talks each day.
      You can find them each day by going to http://themindfulnesssummit.com/live or navigating via the speaker schedule here: http://themindfulnesssummit.com/event-schedule/
      Both are in the main bar up the top (or the speakers side menu if you’re on mobile).

      The reason to buy / donate is to give to support charities helping to get mindfulness into our communities and so you can own the summit forever, download all the videos and audio talks, meditation tracks & pdf transcripts.

      Thanks for joining us!

    2. Leonie Wight

      Same happened to me today, nothing in my inbox – lucky I just bypassed having to muck around to find the page that allows me to watch today’s speaker
      by going to the page that I had left open yesterday.

  2. Mariko Nakagawa

    Thank you, it was very stimulating. What impressed me the most in this talk was the story of the “masculinity” interviews. I guess that Jono naturally led those interviewees to be mindful when sharing their stories, which both of them felt connected.
    I had a fixed idea that mindfulness should be practiced on my own, like meditation. But today’s talk shows that we can find many opportunities to be mindful in our everyday life, and that we can enjoy “to be connected” or “to be aware” not only on ourselves but with others.

  3. Mona Bordge

    Great ways to apply the concepts to gender stereotypes that we internalize or impose on ourselves. And the application to conscious capitalism in a postcolonial modern world is revolutionary. Thank you for opening the space wider>

  4. Dee

    Great video! Thanks Jono. I would really love to get hold of some kindness cards but I am in the UK. I realise I can pay forward small acts of kindness regardless but would really love to also raise awareness of your great work as well. Many thanks

  5. Heather Scalf

    Tuning in from Indiana and thoroughly enjoying the summit. Being new to mindfulness, I feel that this couldn’t have come at a better time, as I am learning so much from the daily speakers. So thank you for this opportunity to increase my knowledge and understanding of mindfulness, which is leading me towards a more meaningful experience!

  6. Joyce Soares

    Thank you Melli, Jono and all speakers who are waking us up to mindfulness. Jono was extremely refreshing in his calm, compassionate self, in describing what it should be like to be a “man”. My husband & I had just such a conversation recently, but from the “old school” point of view from him. Jono, I much prefer your description of what a man can be. Thank you for your time.

  7. Susie Sargent

    Always felt I should be doing more, never understood the longing for something deeper in my life listen to the message today connected me to my interself, I don’t feel that I have to pretend I’m something I’m not thank you for wakening me

  8. Janine Kiracofe

    This interview helped me to feel certain that mindfulness takes place every day at every moment we can breathe that life into it. Jono was also very positive about conscious capitalism whereby people actually treat all of humanity with dignity. I think the consciousness of the planet is changing one person at a time until it will get to the point that change for the better is the drumbeat that we all can dance to.

    1. Tina Siragusa

      Agreed. If the interviews to purchase are exactly like this, then I am hesitant to purchase them because of the interruptions of vocals/sounds. The “mmm” “yup” “ahum” “yep” “right right” are distracting. It is more a conversation than an interview.

    2. Terry Benzie

      It wasn’t as noticeable in the Dan Harris interview in that he is used to operating in a sound byte kind of atmosphere but it actually appeared to make Joseph Goldstein stop and pause a few times. The technical quality of the interviews are nice but hopefully the interviewer won’t interrupt Kornfield or Kabat-Zinn every 15 seconds.

  9. Sandy Vickrey

    The interviews have been interesting – but I expected this summit to be more individual educational presentations than “testimonials.” Melli, you ask good question. I wish you would refrain from continually humming approval, saying “yeah,” etc.. I’m hungry for learning about mindfulness. This format isn’t working for me.

    1. Mette Kirsch

      I agree with Sandy re. the interview style. It’s not necessary for the interviewr to be “actively listening” and not interesting for me as a listener to get Mellie’s perspective unless it’s an area she disagrees on or maybe struggles with.

      In this interview I particularly enjoyed the bit about the masculinity interviews and thoughts on conscious capitalism, although it was rather vaguely explained. I would have liked to hear more about the teaching styles Jono employs and the specific seminars he offers to CEOs.

  10. jeanne bottoni

    A deep and meaningful connection. Has been around since time immemorial Only forgotten in space and time . Thanks for reviving the concept. We are all connected spiritual beings living the human experience. So enjoy the dance of the Universe as we were meant to be.
    Mindfulness Yes that’s me.
    Should be taught in Schools and made part of the curriculum for the future.Thank you all for putting this practice together and sharing this

  11. suzanne connelly

    Thank you Melli and Jono
    Mindfulness is not new to me but I am new to the practice. Listening to all the talks have deepened my connection and commitment to living a conscious life and for the first time I really feel I am a part of this community.
    Love to hear about all the work being done in so many areas of the world. Very interesting topic about masculine expression of mindfulness ‘strong back & soft front or spiritual warrior – enormous strength, great compassion and vulnerability. Thank you Jono for your essential work around mindful leadership in the workplace, more than ever, we need to carry these practices into our work…the place where we spend most of our time. I am filled with great gratitude to you Melli and all the speakers who have made this Mindfulness Summit possible. Suzanne from Canada

  12. Margo Parker

    So looking forward to the wisdom of each of these teachers every day! Jono’s talk today was wonderful. I immediately went to his website to get my Kindness Cards and was so disappointed that they are only available in Australia. Is there any way to get them in the US?

  13. Trina Lee

    Thank you, this is what I am about and why I love working with children, the easiest to teach mindfulness to-in my opinion and frankly learn it from- that is, if we are being present and mindful in our moments with them.
    Kindness and even a smile can change my mood or one person that I give it to which can affect so many more (the domino affect). I watched a teacher do an activity in class where he had the kids draw a black dot on a white sheet of paper and then look at it for a minute or two then write down what their thoughts or feelings were about it, the link for discovery is here, but I would encourage you to try it first.

  14. Charles E+Vigneau

    This being Day 4 was nothing short of pure AWE. JONO FISHER your message reached in so many ways, and Melli’s questions and what she is doing is again AWE. what Jono said to Melli at the end, I would like to say to both us you. Nmasta. if this is just day and 27 days left WOW

  15. Tracy Gregory

    This is the first day i’ve had the chance to catch up on the sessions and i thoroughly enjoyed listening to the conversation, thanks folks. Looking forward to day 5 Tracy

  16. renee shapurji

    This was absolutely beautiful. Thank you Jono. Mindfulness is part of the practice i incorporate into my planning of classes i deliver to my cycling students. I want them to come away with not only a practice of improving their body while riding but a practice and time devoted to being mindful of what they are doing, why they are doing it and who is there with them during that time.

  17. Tommye Davis

    I am finding myself dedicated to listening every day and have invited two others to join me! Thank you for all the time, effort, love and KINDESS you have put into this summit!,

  18. Adrienne Dolberry

    Thank you for another great talk! I hope that everyone within the system – from the CEO at the top corporation to the single mother looking for employement – will have the space to share their contemplative practice together. It’s really about us as a community and the compassion we can build for ourselves, others, and our Earth.

  19. Darren

    “Leadership in its essence is the capacity to shift the inner place from which we operate. Once they understand how, leaders can build the capacity of their systems to operate differently and to release themselves from the exterior determination of the outer circle. As long as we are mired in the viewpoint of the outer two circles, we are trapped in a victim mind-set (“the system is doing something to me”). As soon as we shift to the viewpoint of the inner two circles, we see how we can make a difference and how we can shape the future differently. Facilitating the movement from one (victim) mind-set to another (we can shape our future) is what leaders get paid for.”

    ― C. Otto Scharmer, Theory U: Learning from the Future as It Emerges

    The discussion of men and leadership stood out today. Mindful leadership was the gift in the message today, as was the discussion of what it means to be a man. I hold back the proviso, ‘In Today’s World’.

    We have a serious issue in Canada with leadership. I speak specifically of our Public Safety institutions, lead by what could be defined as ‘Type-A’ ego’s. We have a growing unrest in terms of mental health in professions attached to Public Safety.

    We have growing evident need for introduction of Mindfulness Practices and other education to better protect workers in these professions (Paramedics; Fire-Fighters; Police Officers; & Correctional Officers). Undiagnosed PTSD, for example, is evident in upwards of 70% of workers (based on some studies).

    A recent study released in the U.S. relative to Veterans of our recent collective experience of war is showing potential for reductions and potential for healing from this condition through Mindfulness and Self-Compassion being introduced into recovery Care-Plans.

    “These findings suggest that interventions aimed at increasing mindfulness and self-compassion could potentially decrease functional disability in returning veterans with PTSD symptoms.”

    Copyright © 2015 International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies.


    Men: We do hold within, an Inner-Goddess to go along with our Achiilles Warrior. We need not fear her. ‘Real Men, Do Eat Quiche.’

    “I’ve a Dark Wolf & A White Wolf living inside of me. The one that lives, is the one I CHOOSE to feed.”

    Thank you, so much. Great interview today to add to the brilliance of prior gifts.

    Be Well. Blessings.

  20. Cindy Beeks

    Enjoying the speakers very much. Would really appreciate less murmurs and comments from interviewer during talks as it is very distracting. Thank you for this opportunity.

  21. Anne

    Than you Melli and Jono for this interview. I totally agree with the point of connecting with nature, with animals. Nature and animals don’t hold any pretense or judgment, they just are. Spending time with both has nurtured my soul and heart so much so that that is where I go to “re energize” to get back to myself and the basics. I always come away from those times happier, more relaxed and more present. Thank you, Jono for sharing your perspective on this.

  22. Pamela S.

    Hello and Thank You, Thank You Mele,

    I, like a lot of folks I suppose, was a little skeptical in the beginning. Not so much about whether or not Mindfulness is a good thing or whether it actually works, I’m sure it is and I’m sure it does, but more about whether personally, my ‘less-than-open’ mind would allow it in.

    Four days into this and I am fully convinced that you’ve got something here.

    I started to burrow into the possibility that something in my life needed to change about 3 months ago when for the first time, out of the blue (and I’m almost 59 so how could that be?) I believe I may have had a couple of panic attacks. I blindly stumbled on a TED talk given by Brenè Brown, felt compelled to order one of her books which I just flew through because inexplicably she wrote it specifically about me, and have not looked back since.

    I have by no means been jolted into a state of Mindfulness (man, this is a lot of work!) but at the very least I’ve learned something about myself, and feel like I can squeeze a little stress out of my head and gently force a little calm into that space.

    This is all by way of saying Thank You so much for this sumit. I don’t think you can even imagine how impactful this is and how helpful you are.

  23. Doris Hocevar

    Thank you Mellie and Jono for this wonderful interview. I appreciate the work that is being done to support men in being more of who they really are. Love the work! Much appreciation to you Mellie and your team for bringing the Mindfulness Summit to the world, such a beautiful gift. Loving-Kindness to all: May all be free from harm. May all be healthy. May all be happy. May all be at ease. Warmest from Doris, British Columbia Canada.

  24. Naphtali Zimmerman

    Wow – Spiritual Warrior around 33-34 seconds where men should have strength but also tenderness. I totally agree. My lineage from college actually called members “warriors”. http://www.shambhala.org
    If this resonates with you checked out the classic: “Shambhala: The Sacred Path of the Warrior” by Chogyam Trungpa

  25. Mahshid Poursartip

    What a beautiful soul he is! He emits love and peace as he speaks. His descriptions resonate so much with the experience we all may have.
    Once again, Melli, thank you. what a great selection of people, including yourself!

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